Sunday, June 21, 2009


When I watched the video on wikis with the camping trip between friends it all made sense and I thought 'great', on a small scale I could see lots of uses for this type of communication e.g. for a committee of a social group like a musical ensemble trying to organise a concert. Instead of emailing each other with various ideas, all they have to do is set up a wiki and everyone can see what each other is thinking and changes to plans could be made more quickly and easily.

Over a period of weeks, I probably looked at all the wikis listed - some didn't seem to operate in a 'wiki' form, but others like 'Library Success: A best practices wiki' I could relate to straight away and could see that if I registered with them, I could get involved with them quite easily.

Some others appeared to be on a much larger scale and I didn't feel they were quite so user friendly for me, e.g. Montana history wiki - seemed to be for information only and not for input. Maybe I missed something here.

I could see a wiki being useful say, in the heritage section of branches of the same library system. Those working within the heritage area could communicate with all personnel doing the same type of work or research in a much more effective and efficient manner. The same applies to areas like youth services, community outreach services, genealogy etc.

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